Cardamom-Vanilla Chia Pudding (Vegan, Paleo, Gluten Free)

Got kids? I do. Are yours insane? Mine are. Need easy projects to keep them occupied? Mmhmm, I thought so. I’ve been a mom for almost 17 years, but it has taken me that whole time to learn some really obvious lessons. For example, when your kids won’t stop bickering and you feel tempted to sell them to a passing gypsy caravan, find something fun to keep them occupied. My little ones are 4 and 2, and they love “helping” in the kitchen. One recent rainy afternoon we invented this recipe for chia seed pudding. It’s sweet and creamy with the perfect spicy kick from the cardamom. If you hate the texture of chia seeds, you can throw this concoction in the blender and process until it’s smooth.  

2 cups milk or unsweetened milk alternative (I used homemade hemp milk)
1/3 cup chia seeds
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 tablespoons maple syrup
1 teaspoon ground cardamom

1) Whisk all ingredients together.
2) Refrigerate for several hours until thickened.


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